Personal statement for medicine

Personal statement for medicine

personal statement for medicine

What is a Medicine Personal Statement? A Personal Statement supports your UCAS Application. It’s designed to help universities choose the best candidates. More specifically, a Medicine Personal Statement is your chance to highlight any of your skills or qualities that you need to be a Doctor, and write about your motivation to study Medicine PS Library: Explore Personal Statement Examples. Good and no-so-good personal statements give you an overview of what is expected for medicine and dentistry. - Detailed notes on the relative strengths - Know which universities interviewed each candidate - The personal statement is examined during the interview, looking to understand the candidate's motivation to study medicine, their appreciation of the role and responsibilities of being a doctor, as well as evidence of any work experience undertaken to support the application

Personal Statement

Specifically, quite a few students have trouble conveying their work and volunteering experience in a relevant and powerful manner, as well as struggling to write in a concise and stylistically pleasing way. There are also points to be made with regards to structure and flow. One particular student caught my attention, a violent and withdrawn boy.

By patiently encouraging him to engage in activities through a toy caterpillar, I found a way to connect with him. Medicine is a lifelong endeavour; it is an opportunity for me to contribute to an expanding scientific field, as well as confront the physical, social and emotional challenges that face humanity.

As a naturally inquisitive person, my fascination with science has led to a profound personal statement for medicine in the human body. Further study of the applications of genetic engineering resulted in me writing a paper on the use of nanotechnology in Medicine. This discussed the relation of current scientific research to the management of various pathologies; the task required me to scrutinize secondary sources and gave me stronger analytical skills.

Realising that this combination of science and practical undertaking appealed hugely, I sought some real world experiences to confirm my career choice. Earlier this year, I undertook work experience in a Renal Unit of my local hospital. This gave me the opportunity to personal statement for medicine ward rounds and clinics, as well as observe dialysis and venous catheter insertion. Through talking to patients, the physical, personal statement for medicine, and at times, mental fragility of some individuals surprised me.

The empathy shown by the doctors inspired me deeply. However, her involvement with patients was satisfying, and seeing them progressively improve motivated her.

From these experience, I appreciate how being a doctor can be gruelling, but also very gratifying. Above all, I realise the importance in having moral fibre, perseverance and humility. Every Wednesday for four months I shadowed my local GP. Watching him give both medical and social advice with such understanding and clinical skill to people from every race, culture and faith made me realise the importance of primary care, good communication and careful allocation of resources.

As a concert pianist, I have gained experience in handling stress and performance anxiety. I perform at a local hospice every week and through successful piano competitions, I had the honour of playing at the Jacqueline De Pre Hall in Oxford. I enjoy conveying the emotion of a piece of music in a beautiful and hopefully profound way. As a school mentor and piano teacher for younger students, I developed skills in passing on information effectively and in listening to others with patience and respect, personal statement for medicine.

My experience in representing the school in badminton and hockey has given my stronger teamwork abilities, which I was able to apply in helping organise the school charity week, in which we raised £16, I hold positions of responsibility as a school prefect and founder of two societies, where I teach students musical theory and philosophy. Having also been a St John first aider for three years, I gained experience in making others feel comfortable in times of close contact and in assessing situations quickly and effectively.

I also enjoy helping out at community events. Finally, I enjoy acting, and also performing magic; being able to instil wonder and joy in others is priceless.

I believe I have the humility, scientific acuity and empathy to become a committed doctor and to face the challenges ahead in my chosen career. The first paragraph is often the hardest the write, and there are a number of ways you can go about it. Whatever you write, always try to captivate the reader — although sometimes unavoidable, the first few sentences run a high risk of being clichéd, personal statement for medicine.

One possible way to sound more gripping is by richly conveying a personal experience, either as a volunteer or during your work experience. Following the purely descriptive account of the boy, the model statement goes on to reveal what the writer learnt from the experience.

Many students make the mistake of simply describing all the things they did during their hospital placement or whilst volunteering. More importantly, a carefully thought out reflection personal statement for medicine what you learnt or developed during your experience demonstrates an insight into the qualities and skills needed in good doctors. These qualities and skills may include compassion, empathy, humility, commitment, strong communication, teamwork, and perseverance, among others.

Throughout the application process, medical schools are looking not just for an understanding of the medical course, but medicine as a career. The writer here shows an awareness of medicine as a profession that requires continuous learning and growth, as well as an opportunity to do good in the world.

Of course, there is some flowery language here, but the writer carefully chose this sentence to offer a convincing ending to the opening paragraph. Ultimately, no matter how much you want to care for people, studying medicine requires some degree of interest in the biological sciences, otherwise, you may as well serve people through a number of other fulfilling career paths, as a social worker, for example. Note how this opening sentence sets the scene for the paragraph to come — it clearly marks a scientific theme.

Too often students fail to pick up a thesaurus and can end up sounding grey, unexciting and almost apathetic towards the things they talk about in some areas of their statement. Never underestimate how the careful choice of language can add a new dimension to your personal statement. The next few sentences provide support for the natural inquisitiveness and scientific interest the writer claimed to have.

offer a few sentences showcasing their interest in scientific research and topics outside of their science curriculum, personal statement for medicine. If scientific research plays a lesser role in your reasons for applying to medicine, then dedicate more space for work experience, volunteering and extra-curricular activities. There should be some hint of an underlying narrative or flow to your writing; in terms of structure, each paragraph should have some theme — in this model statement, the writer has a paragraph on science, hospital work experience and volunteering, for example.

For example, the writer here draws the scientific paragraph to a close and links to the next paragraph, which talks about work experience. Your description of where and when you did work experience should be short and snappy. You should then move on to what you actually did, keeping the descriptions as concise as possible, personal statement for medicine.

The writer here first demonstrates they took opportunities to speak to patients, personal statement for medicine, personal statement for medicine is one of the most important things you can take away from a hospital placement. In this case, the writer succinctly reveals a first-hand experience of how patients can be weak, fragile and utterly dependent on doctors and others to support them.

The writer personal statement for medicine goes on to reflect on how the doctors treated these patients and offers one of the most important qualities needed in all doctors, that is empathy. From these experiences, I appreciate how being a doctor can be gruelling, but also very gratifying.

At the same time, you should also be aware that personal statements can be a checklist exercise, with medical schools scrutinizing every sentence you write in order to determine whether you understand what being a doctor is about. One of the important things you should include is the realities of being a doctor. Instead, dedicate one or two sentences to the less attractive side of medicine, as the writer personal statement for medicine done here.

This model statement clearly makes sacrifices with the content it includes — in this hospital placement paragraph, only two main qualities are covered: empathy and the realities of being a doctor. In a nutshell, you should sit down and have a think about which of the most important qualities you can and want to portray through your work experience, and sacrifice the less powerful content.

In terms of writing tips here, the writer uses the rule of three and this technique is used throughout this model statement when listing: this is a way of making things sound nicer, but also allows the writer to include more high-yield content. The writer starts a new and shorter paragraph here, and this is purely for the sake of clarity, personal statement for medicine. Do avoid writing long paragraphs and aim to split them into organized chunks if possible, personal statement for medicine.

Instead, it is more important to reflect on what you learnt and realized through whatever experiences you have undertaken, personal statement for medicine.

Although the difference is certainly subtle, it can give you a sense of being humble, especially if you have impressive traits. It is important though to have a closing paragraph that links together your principal themes and affirms your suitability for medicine: in this case, the writer chooses scientific acuity, empathy and humility to be his big three qualities; moreover, the writer also slips in a few other qualities expected in medics, emphasising a commitment and readiness to overcome the challenges that are sure to come in the future.

Although simple, short and nothing original, the content in the closing paragraph was carefully chosen — it does the job and most importantly leaves a positive impression, personal statement for medicine, which is the aim of the game. Hello James, My daughter has offers from UCL and Edinburgh and Birmingham.

However, she went to Birmingham and did not think it is right for her. What is your opinion about studying medicine at UCL? I am interested to know about the teaching and support structures of reading medicine? I totally understand university learning is a mostly self directed learning and huge jump from A level. However, I would like to know if she is really stuck will she be able to get help from the department or how supportive is the peer group and senior? Or will it be a competitive environment where each to its own?

We know someone at Edinburgh which gives us an impression that its a very nurturing environment with great support from seniors. We run one-day courses for the UCATBMAT and Interviews. If you're an offer-holder, we've got you covered with our pre-medical school course to get you ahead of the pack! Medicine Personal Statement Inspiration — James UCL.

CRAFT THE PERFECT PERSONAL STATEMENT, personal statement for medicine. medicine Sample Statement. Breakdown Of The Statement. A place personal statement for medicine the Personal Statement Crash Course Digital Personal Statement Masterclass 5 x Personal Statement Redrafts 6med Personal Statement Workbook.

About the Author: Ali Abdaal. I'm a medical student at Cambridge University, and one of the co-founders of 6med. I created the BMAT Crash Course and Interview Crash Course, and helped code BMAT Ninja and UKCAT Ninja. If you need a hand personal statement for medicine anything, personal statement for medicine, feel free to give me a shout! Related Posts. Personal Statement Mistakes To Avoid. Medicine Personal Statement: Set Yourself Up For Interview Success!

Medicine Personal Statement: The Definitive Guide. One Comment. She has to choose between UCL and Edinburgh and is finding it difficult. So I wonder if I may seek your advice. Appreciate any insights Thank you very much in advance.

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personal statement for medicine

The personal statement is examined during the interview, looking to understand the candidate's motivation to study medicine, their appreciation of the role and responsibilities of being a doctor, as well as evidence of any work experience undertaken to support the application Jul 22,  · The medicine personal statement for UCAS must be no longer than 4, characters (including spaces), and is submitted as part of the overall UCAS application. The due date for UCAS is mid-October, and thus this is also the due date for your personal statement and the rest of your application materials Jun 20,  · An Example of a Successful Medicine Personal Statement. Below is an example of a strong medicine personal statement that the Medicine Answered team improved. This medicine personal statement rewarded the applicant with interviews at all four medical schools, helping them to secure four offers

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